
Child Education

All of Save the Children’s Programmes, Initiatives, and Activities are funded through Donations. We believe that children must be taught how to think not what to think. We, at Aaroham Child Development Center, strive to provide education to children who don’t have access to formal education.

Child Health

We provide medical and emotional support to underprivileged people who cannot afford treatment on their own. Our belief that pain is temporary , quitting lasts forever, strength. We provide food, Clothing, Shelter, medication, Sanitation services and other necessary equipment.

We Find & Fund

We locate the vulnerable children, mentor them and offer necessary support before we hand them over to the responsible parents or guardians. Families are unable to afford the costs of education and many children end up supporting their families by working on the streets instead of going to school.

We Build Networks

We work as a team in partnership to strengthen the potential and ability of street children . Street children are just like other children elsewhere in Uganda. They are among the most vulnerable children who need immediate attention and help to get out of the most dangerous areas.

We Strengthen

We support street children victims with necessary & essential items of life while at the center. We encourage them, counsel them and give them a life of hope to enable them live independently. Street children have stories to share of which if you give them attention.

We Consult

There are so many policies setup by the government to enable us carry our our services better which are passed randomly by the local authority. Therefore, we do much consultations with the concern authorities to ascertain smooth running of our services.

Center for Special Education

These services are designed to identify and meet children’s special needs in 5 main developmental areas, namely- physical, cognitive, communication, social or emotional development and sensory and adaptive development. They begin to talk, engage with one another and gradually grasp academic concepts like alphabets and numbers as well.

Center for Home Management

This program is an outreach program for those children, adults & families with disability who for one reason or another cannot participate in the ‘Center for Special Education program. Each child or young adult is assessed by a multi-disciplinary team who designs an Individual Education Program and establishes both short & long term goals.

Center for Vocational Training

Students learn functional language and mathematical skills needed for following any vocation in the open market. A group of students learn through hands on work as per his/ her ability. Training is given in all kitchen related activities e.g. peeling, rolling, frying, identifying lentils, chopping vegetables, preparing meals, snacks, sherbets etc.